Saturday 10 May 2014

Episode 6 - To Produce Mock Up and Prototype

First Part 

8/5/2014 (Tuesday)

Again, we produced the mock up together.

Xin Nin folded the wire to create the framework of the building, and sprayed white colour on it.

On the other hand, See Enn was responsible to double check the finished stickers and print it out after that.

 Michelle was busy to design our name card and I would do the mini sample of the wind chime.

Second Part

I cut out the stickers and stamped on the wall to produce prototype.

Michelle hanged the windbell to  test and see how it looked like.

In the night, See Enn and Xin Nin were busy preparing the presentation on Friday.

Thank you all for the hard works!

Third Part 

This are the finished products we produced that day.

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