Saturday 10 May 2014

Episode 6 - To Produce Mock Up and Prototype

First Part 

8/5/2014 (Tuesday)

Again, we produced the mock up together.

Xin Nin folded the wire to create the framework of the building, and sprayed white colour on it.

On the other hand, See Enn was responsible to double check the finished stickers and print it out after that.

 Michelle was busy to design our name card and I would do the mini sample of the wind chime.

Second Part

I cut out the stickers and stamped on the wall to produce prototype.

Michelle hanged the windbell to  test and see how it looked like.

In the night, See Enn and Xin Nin were busy preparing the presentation on Friday.

Thank you all for the hard works!

Third Part 

This are the finished products we produced that day.

Episode 5 - Finishing the Wind Chime together ❤

     6/5/2014 (Tuesday)

     All of us meet each other at Pusat Seni to produce the windbells together. Michelle and Xin Nin were responsible for putting string on the tin, while See Enn and I tied the white wooden chips with tins. Lastly, add a small bell on the tins. 

     Tada~!! Our wind chimes have been completed! =D

Episode 4 - Wind Chime ( Process)

     We have limited budget, to reduce the cost, we decided to use aluminium tin, wooden board and bell to produce the wind chime.

Sketches for wind chime

     My job is to prepare colourful tins with holes on them. Firstly, cut the tin into halves.

     Further, use a pair of scissors to trim the uneven surface.

     Next, use a hammer to drive a nail into the tin, to create a hole on it.

     Lastly, spray the tin with sky blue colour.

     Finished !! 

Episode 3 - Sticker Drawing Process (Little Cloud)

     My mission is to draw the cloud stickers which would later be put on the wall. I have searched different information and pictures as reference, so that I could have some ideas how to draw an interesting and enlightening cloud. The cloud could enlighten the wall, make it looks lively.


     I started drawing after carefully looking through the pictures of the clouds. This is the process of how i draw the sticker.

 The sticker has been completed.

Episode 2 - (Urban Gardening) -->( Fly Your Dreams)

     We found some problems when we were trying to produce prototype and mock up of our idea. To do urban gardening, we need a long time to cultivate the plants, and we do not have time to wait it grows nor take care of the plants.

     After a short discussion with Dr Nurul, we decided  to change our idea to wishing lane (fly your dreams). These idea is to redecorate the abandoned street/alley with stickers and windbells to inject some new life into the alley. People could go to the alley, write their wishes on the white board of the windbells, to let the wind bring their wishes far away.

     This is the abandoned street that we spotted at George Town and we will decorate it with cute stickers and wind chimes, making this street looks more fun and joyful. Wind chime will produce nice sounds which can make peoples feeling relax and comfortable.

Friday 9 May 2014

Episode 1 (1st Idea & Concept of Our Project)

     Initially, our group was comprised of 8 persons, which was 4 juniors and 4 seniors.  We also decided to give out 2 ideas to apply in our happiness project. However, with Dr Nurul's advice, we finally decided to divide our group into 2 sub-units, so that we could do our best with 2 different ideas.

     Michelle, See En, Xin Nin and I have reached a consensus after the discussion. We have again decided to make up another group without seniors,and our idea is urban gardening

     This are the sketches and mind maps we produced that day.